Jordi les meves fonts són akestes (aviam si ara tho creus):
We knew this day would come. Julia has been a bit absent from the movie world anyway. Besides were happy to report it’s Reese who is going to beat her record as the highest paid actress.
Actress Reese Witherspoon has surpassed Hollywood superstar Julia Roberts to become the highest paid actress of all time.
The Walk the Line star will earn $29 million for upcoming horror film Our Family Trouble–beating the $24 million 38-year-old Roberts was reportedly paid for Mona Lisa Smile.
The 29-year-old is widely tipped to win the Best Actress award at Sunday’s Academy Awards ceremony for her acclaimed role in the Johnny Cash biopic.
Now she just needs her Oscar to make it totally official. Go Reese!
1 comentari:
bueno pos potser t'haure de donar la rao. Pero bueno tot aixo es molt relatiu, pq la primera actriu que va passar la frontera dels 20 millons d dollars va ser la Demi Moore. Aixi que tot i que ara li hagin pagat molt per aquesta, s'ha de veure com evoluciona, pq personalment crec que guanyar en poder a la Roberts de moment ho te dificil (basicament porta un parell d'anys sense treballar, a la que es posi a treballar ja veuras). lo mateix va fer la Cameron Diaz per los angeles de charlie!!!
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